Friday, December 19, 2008

Obama team wants NASA to account for spending.

An aricle written in the Los Angeles Times on December 19, 2008 stated: When reporters last month questioned why a normal tool bag "dropped" in space by astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper should have cost $100,000.00, a NASA spokesman replied simply, "Space flight is expensive." But for the incoming administration, that answer is not enough. On a list of 74 questions submitted to the space agency by president-elect Barack Obama's transition team, more than half dealt with budget and spending issues.

I certainly hope that one of the questions by Obama's transition team was; "Where does the money go from all the experiments conducted for companies in outer space weightlessness at a $1,000,000.00 an experiment"? They conduct from 5 to 15 experiments per flight!

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