Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Details of Space Shuttle Columbia crash exposed.

Columbia crew had no way to survive. This was the headline in Wednesday's, December 31, 2008 St. Petersburg Times newspaper. The 400 page report was issued by NASA after almost 5 years after the disaster that occured on February 1, 2003. In short, Columbia's astronauts were quickly doomed and most likely never knew what was happening. The report stated that if certain safety measures had been taken, the crew could haved lived longer, but ultimately the accident was not survivable, the report concludes.

Why weren't the astronauts instructed to take a space walk around the shuttle when it was docked to the International Sace Station and look for any type of damage to the heat absorbing tiles? Wouldn't that safey measure have been more important than the one stated above? When will NASA put the astronauts safety first, ahead of all the other procedures that they conduct? How many more accidents and lives must happen before NASA realizes what Dr Jonathan Clark, a former NASA flight surgeon stated; "I praise NASA's leadership for the report, even though it says, in some ways, you guys didn't do a great job." Incidently, astronaut Laurel Clark, one of the 7 astronats that lost their lives on the Columbia disaster was Dr. Jonathan Clark's wife.

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