Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Most Expensive Thing Ever.

An article in the St. Petersburg Times on Sunday, December 7, 2008 stated: The Most Expensive Thing Ever. How big is the bailout? Winning World War II cost us $3.6-trillion in today's dollars. Here are the others: The Marshall Plan, $115.3-billion. The Louisiana Purchase, $217-billion. S&l Crisis, $256-billion. The Korean War, $454-billion. The New Deal, $500-billion. Gulf War II/War on Terror, $597-billion. The Vietnam War, $698-billion.
Now get ready for these two: Race to the Moon, $237-billion and NASA (cumulative), $851.2-billion. The later two totaled are $1.088.2 trillion. The total mentioned is only second to World War II. Why doesn't congress divert that amount of money that would save both Social Security and Medicare? As I have mentioned before, this is the only planet in this galaxy that can support human life. Why venture into othe areas (galaxy's) that can not support life and continue to deplete our ozone layer?

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