Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two Earthquakes in different parts of the World after two launches.

The national Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colarado reported an earthquake Saturday morning, August 30, 2009 in Summerville, South Carolina. Moderate tremors were felt for about 3 to 5 seconds around 6:38 a.m. and were followed by weaker secondary tremors. The magnitude of the quake was 3.5 on the Rector scale. On Wednesday, September 2, 2009. 15 people were killed and thousands were left homeless when a 7.0 magnitude quake hit 140 miles from the capital, Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Space Shuttle Discovery was launched on Friday near midnight from Cape Canaveral, FL 6.5 hours later the earthquake struct Summerville, S.C. where there had never been an earthquake recorded. The earthquake in Indonesia was due to the launch on August 31, 2009 of a Palpa-D communication rocket fired from Indonesia, site not named, two days later the quake occurred. Must we attribute these two launchings & earthquakes to coincidenses again? I don't think so. These Space Agencies are aware of what they causing, but they don't care because the are making tons of money. Lost lives and destruction means nothing to them.