Thursday, November 17, 2011

Storms pound Southeast states, killing 4, injuring dozens

A strong storm system spawning several tornadoes hit the Southeast on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. Damaging dozens of homes and buildings. At least four people were killed and dozens more injured. Suspected tornadoes were reported from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and through North and South Carolina. Forecasters blamed a cold front stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northeast.

Another coincidence? There were two satellite launched from Russia on Monday, November 14th and another satellite launch from India on Tuesday, November 15th. As I have stated in my book many times. When these satellites are launched and burn holes in the Ozone layer, the solar winds and flares enter into our atmosphere through these holes. The Jet Stream then increases in excessive speeds that will drive cold fronts into warm fronts. Outcome, tornadoes, excessive winds and rains that develop into climatic weather disasters.

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