Wednesday, April 1, 2009

U.S. space industry not yet seeing economic slowdown.

An aricle in REUTERS said that the U.S. economy is in recession, but the satellite industry's prospects are still flying high -- at least for now, military officials and industry executives said on Tuesday. Space industry revenues were up $6 billion up to $257 billion in 2008, up from $187 billion three years ago. "Space activity has intergrated itself so throughly into broader business activity, with an array of services vital to communication,travel, broadcast and other industries, that the space industry is now part of the mainstream economy," the report found.

Wonderful news for the space industry. Disastrous news for weather patterns around the world. Compare the $257 billion profits made by the space industry in 2008 to the $557 billion in losses from the weather disasters that occurred throughout the world due to excessive space launchings This does not include the loss 220,000 of lives due to these weather disasters in 2008. What cost do we put on lives? What is more important and necessary, being greedy and making tons of money launching additional satellites, (now 0ver 18,000), or reduce launches, save lives, lessen property damages and costs, reduce ozone depleation and stop global warming?

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