Monday, February 9, 2009

130 Killed in deadliest-ever Austrailian Wildfires.

Entire towns have been seared off the map by wildfires raging through southeastern Austrailia, burning people in their homes and cars and raising the death toll to 130 on Monday in the deadlieast blaze in the country's history. Searing temperatures and wind blasts created a firestorm that swept across a swath of the country's Victoria state, where at least 700 homes were destroyed and all of the victims died. more victims are expected to be found. The skies rained ash and trees exploded in the inferno, witnesses said, as temperatures of 117 degrees F (47 C) combined with blasting winds that created furnance-like conditions.

Question, could it be a another coincidence or facts that this heat, fire and blasting winds are related to two recent launchings from that part of the world? On Monday, February 2nd, Iran launched their first ever, Technology satellite from the Caspian Sea area. On Friday, February 6th NASA launched a Delta II 7320-10C with 2 payloads from Vandenberg AFB in California. In Chapter 1 of my book I explained how the ultraviolet rays with a 10-12 range combined with
temperatures that rise to 100 degrees will ignite dry leaves. Ultraviolet rays with a 10 to 12 range that beam down on on dry leaves will spark a flame and ignite a forest. The 117 degrees F temperatures would create ultraviolet rays from a range of 12-14. This range is more than substantial to ignite fires.

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