Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Recent Earthquakes in Pakistan and Aleutian Islands

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in Pakistan on October 30, 2008 killing 215 and injuring an additional 500 persons. A second quake with a magnitude of 6.1 occurred in the Aleutian Islands on November 2, 2008, there were no reports of any deaths or injurys. Both of these earthquakes took place 1 day (for Pakistan) 4 days (for the Aleutian Islands) after China launched a Long March 3B missile with a Venesat-1 communication satellite for the country of Venezuela on October29, 2008. As I mentioned in my book "The Aerospace Assault on Planet Earth" we can now add these two earthquakes to the 42 others mentioned in the book. More coincidences? The facts are very evident, the thursts from the rockets on the earth damage and weaken the platelets on the fault lines which then trigger the quakes in the surrounding areas. Take a look at a map and notice the close vicinities between China, Pakistan and the Aleutian Islands. More coincidences?

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