Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Opinion: Time to prepare for a lunar land rush.

With China, India, Japan and the U.S. all planning to send astronauts to the moon by 2020, the lunar landscape could see something of a traffic jam, says author Michio Kaku in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. "WE could get a bottleneck on the moon, he writes, "with manned and unmanned probes from several countries whizzing around it from different directions." With the Outer Space Treaty now more than 40 years old, Kaku says now is the time to rethink limits and protocols, "before national rivalries and tensions heat up as we approach 2020."
NOTE! Notice that the Russian Space Industry was not mentioned as a country planning to send their cosmonauts to the moon. The reason was that back in 1960's when NASA said they had landed on the moon, the Russian's said they would not attempt to send their spaceship & cosmonauts to the moon for fear of the radiation destruction when crossing through the Van Allen Radiation belts. To all of the countries mentioned above that want to explore the moon. Take care of this planet that we can all live on rather than launch more spacecrafts to explore the moon (where no one can live), those launches will enlarge the Ozone hole, devastate crops, increase melanoma cases and eventually destroy this beautiful planet.

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