Thursday, June 11, 2009

Experts warn of growing collision threat in space

Defense News article on June 10, 2009 stated "Trackers of Orbiting Junk", There are 19,000 pieces of debris larger than a softball orbiting the Earth. They travel at about 17,000 miles per hour, fast enough for a relatively small piece of junk to destroy a satellite or even the Space Shuttle. There are 300,000 pieces of debris the size of a marble or larger according to Paul Graziani, CEO of Analytical Graphics, Exton, PA. With 2,200 additional satellite launches scheduled over the next five years, Graziani says he expects to see at least 10 more major collisions in space.
Note that nothing was mentioned about one of these pieces of space junk hitting the International Space Station, there would go $10 billion down to Earth, plus the lives of the astronauts within. They also did not mention that the 2,200 launches over a period of five years (60 months) would average out to a launch every day of the year, the current launches now average one every 2.7 days. What will be the size of the Ozone hole be after that 5 year period, 22 million square miles? We are at 17 million square miles currently. Why increase Global Warming, Climatic Weather Disasters and Ozone Depletion to a faster pace? The World's Space Agencies need to realize the damage they are doing rather than the money thay will make with these 2,200 launches. STOP all these launches and SAVE this planet.

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