Friday, September 2, 2011

Planetary Trash!

In today's edition of the St. Petersburg Times newspaper on page 6A there was a picture and article that stated: Above us, Planetary trash. Earth needs to clean up it's space. Since the space age began 54 years ago (1957), civilization has littered the region just above the atmosphere with space junk (satellites). The picture of the computer generated image depicted the locations of thousands of pieces of such trash. Scientist's had plans to limit the cosmic rubbish but then two events, a 2007 Chinese antisatellite weapon test that put 150,000 pieces of debris into orbit and a 2009 crash of tw0 satellite's, doubled the number of fragments in orbit, says a report from National Research Council, a branch of the National Academy of Sciences.

I have stated this fact on numerous occasions in my book. Not one of the forty six countries, that have fifty three satellite launching stations throughout the planet sending satellite's into orbit a a rate of one or more a day care about the space junk that they are creating. All they care about is the money that they are making ($1,000,000.00) per satellite launch. How many more Weather, G.P.S.'s, Communication or Spy satellites do we need in our upper atmosphere? Currently, there are over 350,000 pieces of space junk orbiting our planet. Where will these 46 countries launching these satellites and making all this money be able to spend it when there is no earth left? Can the weather be predicted any better today then it was predicted 57 years ago? NO! Why waste more money, clutter up our atmosphere, deplete the ozone layer and destroy our planet just for GREED?

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