Monday, May 31, 2010

Greenland, Ground Zero For Global Warming

The above title was on the cover page of the June issue of National Georaphic magazine. The article stated: True Colors, The changing Face of Greenland. There's a meltdown on the ice sheet-and optimism among Greenlanders. Vanishing Ice, Greenland's ice sheet once seemed too big to melt substantially. Now, as weather warms, the ice is disintergrating faster. Scientests think this could continue for centuries or even milenna, changing the island's geography and the planet's sea level. The article continues stating what the scientest's believe is causing the problem. It is: Solar Radiation. As average summer temperatures rise in Greenland, more ice melts. Surface water and dark cryoconite absorb solar heat, speeding the melting.

Solar Radiation, is transmitted through the open holes in the ozone layers when rockets penatrate there satellites through it. The solar flares and winds also enter through these holes. In turn, the flares together with the winds hit the jet stream causing cold fronts to rush into warm fronts that produce the climatic weather disasters we are experiencing everyday through out the world. Almost three decades of satellite data reveal an escalating trend in the extent of the ice melt zone--the part of the ice sheet where melting occurs between April and October. What will it take to prove to scientest's that this melting had never occurred until the past three decades? What has also increased 4,850% over the past three decades? Rocket/Satellite launches!

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